The deleted the phone numbers from public documents by changing the colour from black to white. This is what led the the recent scandal in Australian Politics when all the private phone numbers of Australian politicians were accidentally leaked. If someone deletes the box they will see the original document. The original information that you have edited will still be there. Please note, this is more of a hack than a proper way to edit. You can also prevent your files from being edited or printed using password protection. You can customize your output file so it looks exactly as you intended.
To keep your PDF from looking different in the output file, this software preserves the original fonts, layouts, formatting, and hyperlinks.

With the ability to handle over 50 conversions at a time, the batch processing option will increase productivity while saving you time. The tool you choose should offer a friendly and clean interface with features and instructions displayed in an easy-to-understand manner, so you can finish your work more efficiently. This is especially helpful when you are dealing with a large document that has hundreds of pages.

We use Malwarebytes to scan each program to see if it contains any virus or malicious processes.